Understanding the Power of Behavior Mapping to Enable Effective Project and Program Leadership
As a Process Excellence leader you’re responsible for improving business results such as profitability, revenue, cost, cycle time and quality. But in order to deliver those results, you need to get and keep the organization’s attention to ensure consistent follow-through from multiple stakeholder groups on the daily actions that affect leading indicators.Practical experience finds that having a strong executive sponsor is critical to achieving these breakthrough business results.
But getting management to “walk the talk” is always a challenge. How can you drive the leadership behaviors necessary to ensure the success of your project or program?
This webinar looks at a powerful mapping tool – behavioral mapping - that helps you bring clarity to the roles, responsibilities and visible behaviors required of leaders in order to optimize the behavioral impact leaders can have on in support of our programs and projects.
In this webinar you will:
- Learn what a behavior map is and how you can use it to enhance and enable effective leadership support for your programs and projects.
- Identify ways of analyzing leadership behavior, understand existing obstacles to that behavior in your organization and gain practical insight into how you can go about removing those barriers.
- Use CLG’s DCOM tool to design actions to accelerate effective leadership support.
Webinar participants who identify obstacles to leadership behavior can elect to participate in CLG’s three-hour learning event offered during the Jan 2013 PEX conference, and request participation in a limited series of complimentary follow-on leader-change agent consultation sessions that will be made available to organizations facing significant program level challenges in the upcoming 12 months. In addition, a chapter from CLG’s soon-to-be released book “Behavior Breakthrough – Leading Your Organization to a New Competitive Advantage” will be made available to participants at the Jan 2013 PEX workshop session.