

Help Wanted: Must Get Rid of Murky Data Swamps

PEX Network Editorial | 02/17/2016

Technical issues and lack of skills top big the big data challenges for companies, according to new research published in a PEX Network Report “Deriving Value from the Data Deluge.” The findings underline that most companies are still at an early stage of big data adoption, despite an overwhelming 80% of respondents reporting that they had adopted or had plans to adopt (within the next 18 months) a big data strategy.

It’s no surprise that fragemented/legacy data top the list of challenges. Decades of paper-based filing systems and the inevitable march of technology have left large swathes of murky data swamps in dark corners of organizations.  Getting the right digital architecture in place to harness the value of Big Data is a landmark – but expensive - technological step.

Thus, while many companies are looking at investing in new technology and infrastructure to better manage data, the key to harnessing big data, it seems, is getting the right staff in place. Over 50% of surveyed companies (56.3%) said that they planned to recruit skilled staff in the next 12-18 months.

What are your Big Data challenges?

...and what are you going to do about them? Investment plans in next 12-18 months:

The report also features interviews with industry experts and looks at trends in how companies are approaching Big Data. Download a copy of “Deriving Value from the Data Deluge” here.

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