

9 Reasons to Enter the PEX Network Awards

Jason McGee-Abe | 09/01/2015
You might be weighing up the pros and cons of spending the time to enter this year’s PEX Network Awards 2016, the entry deadline for which has now been extended to September 18th. Here are 9 reasons and benefits of doing so and why it makes sense for your business.
# 1 Company Profile
Being in the mix of the leading Process Excellence Awards helps to significantly boost your company profile in the industry and amongst your peers and competition. By just being short-listed you can improve your business’ brand awareness and access to new customers. Being associated with our prestigious awards can provide great marketing, PR opportunities and media exposure.
# 2 Competitive Edge
It is a great endorsement to your business to be associated with a respected industry awards stemming from an independent panel of respected process excellence leaders. It gives you even more acknowledgement for your company’ excellence and credibility, helping to give you the competitive edge over your competition.
#3 Taking Stock
By submitting your application, you are assessing your organization, programs and projects, representing a great opportunity to take stock of how well you are doing. It will assist in identifying areas for improvement when comparing yourself to the competition and also help to plan where you want your business to go.
#4 Buy-In
By becoming short-listed for an award, and hopefully winning, you become recognized by your industry as a leader in your field. When seeking to attain buy-in from senior executives to attain investment and sponsorship for a program, being part of the PEX Awards 2016 will assist you with use cases and reasons to be supported.
# 5 Quality Attracts Quality

Being recognized amongst your peers as a leader and innovator will attract a higher caliber of staff to your organization, helping you to source the best new talent.
# 6 Investment

Potential investors always look out for award-winners and by winning one of the PEX 2016 Awards, your chances of a potential new avenue of investment naturally increase. Partnership, merger and acquisition opportunities could also come knocking on your door.
#7 Network
Being part of the PEX Network Awards gives you unrivalled access to network with fellow business leaders and practitioners in your sector and gives you great insight into best practice and methodology in other industries.
# 8 Celebrate Recognition
Awards celebrate hard work and success and it is a great opportunity for your organization to put your business or program in the spotlight to acknowledge staff loyalty and achievements. Celebrating in style will also help to boost your staff morale.
# 9 A PEX 2016 Award
In addition to the aforementioned reasons above, you’ll receive an impressive trophy for all your current and potential customers to see!

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