

Business Process Management People You NEED To Follow On Twitter

Natalie Evans | 03/05/2014

Who To Follow On Twitter

Whether you’re new to the world of social networking or a seasoned vet, finding the right person or organisation with in the Business Process Management sphere to follow on Twitter can be daunting.

With over 200 million active users every month how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? In this feature we highlight, in no particular order, the Top Business Process Management Twitter feeds you need to follow. Get insight, facts, stats, news and analysis all in real time from the most interesting individuals and leading companies. Follow this list to get the whole picture!

Follow me at @PEXNetwork_Team

- Got any recommendations of your own? Leave them below in the comments section!
- The Twitter feeds below are solely the views of their respective owners and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PEX Network.

Sandy Kemsley @skemsley
BPM/ECM/Social Enterprise girl geek. Implementing BPM systems, and blogging about what's new in the BPM space. Intentionally digital


Bradford Power @BradfordPower
Process improvement consultant and researcher, sustaining attention to improvement, strategy execution, business reengineering, customer experience management

Interneer @Interneer
Business Process and Workflow Management (BPM) software. No Coding Guaranteed! Short time to deploy, SaaS.

Steve Towers @STowers
Global Rover, Customer Advocate, Silvered and Wise. Join my Weird, Wild and Wacky World Loves to help individuals and organizations get well. USA/UK

Jim Sinur @JimSinur
Business Process Management and Part Time Artist

Diana Davis @PEXNetwork
Editor of - IQPC's portal for BPM, Lean and Six Sigma professionals.


AuraPortal @AuraPortal_en
BPMS Software: BPM Processes, Intranet/Extranet, Document Management, Business Rules, WIP (Wide Interaction Platform), Content Management & Online Commerce.

Michele Iurillo @micheleiurillo
45 years old, male, BI, BPM and Strategic Consultant, - Founder of Synergo and Valencia, Madrid Barcelona&Business Bi4Tweet - Italian Twitter Account

Rob Rensman @process2go
Change Management | Transformation | Business Architecture | Design | Delivery | Innovation | Digital Strategies | BPM

Neil Ward-Dutton @neilwd
Founder and Research Director of @MWDAdvisors. Build business improvement capabilities with Analytics, Collaboration, BPM

Official IBM Business Process Management Twitter account. Managed by Joseph Lam and Bill Wentworth. We're following IBM Social Computing Guidelines.

Adam Ripley @Adam_Ripley
Chairman of Certeco. Financial Services. Enterprise Business Technology Services. Fellow of the IOD. Entrepreneur.

Paul van den Heuvel @pvdheuvel76
Head of Information Management & BI @ Eneco Retail I Enterprise Architecture I Innovation I BPM I Digital I Collaboration I Runner I Proud dad I Never Quit

MART CG @martcgcom
Information Technology and Services for Business #B2B #SMB #startup #investment #innovation #it #ict #software #consulting #bpm #hcm #promo #martcg

Benjamin Wailes @6sig
Covering Six Sigma, BPM, BRM, Medical Informatics, Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare, Social Media, Mobile Technology, Cloud Computing

Bladimir Rondon @pigbar
IT, BPM & BI Consulting. Bilingual tweets. Arquitecto de Software. Andragogo. Ateo. Anarquista. Independiente. Tecnologia, ciencia, literatura y baloncesto

Ilker Altintas @ilkeraltintas
IT Executive. Head of Architecture and Core Banking @Akbank. PhD in Software Engineering. Software Reuse, SPL, SOA, BPM. #entarch, #innovation, #leadership

Roger Carhuatocto @Chilcano
Computer Security Expert, passionate about Open Source technology (BPM, SOA, ECM, Portal and PaaS) & father of 2 girls full day!

Hajo Reijers @profBPM
Head of BPM Research @PerceptiveSW and Professor of Business Process Technologies @TUEindhoven

Official IBM #BPM account. Reinventing business processes for greater customer-centricity. Managed by @jacqilevy @CrystaAnderson. Follows IBM SC Guidelines.

Alberto Manuel @AlbertoManuel
Business Process Management (BPM) Expert. Process Sphere's CEO and a wine enthusiast

Aquiline ICT @Aquiline_ICT
Process consultancy for performance improvement & cost savings: Lean system, Six Sigma | Enterprise software for control & continuous improvement: ERP, BPM, BI

Jaisundar @BouncingThots
BPM fanatic with interests in CRM, Corporate & Revenue Performance Mgt, ERP, writing, swimming & spreading migraine through bad attempts at humor.

Lubor Ptacek @lptacek
Technology fan, EIM, ECM, BPM, CEM, mobility, security. Frequent traveler and marathon runner. VP, Strategic Marketing at OpenText tweeting on his own behalf.

Andrew Smith @AndrewCloudZync
Co Founder & CTO at CloudZync. I am a tech geek on the business side, mobile, cloud, ECM, BPM

Ernest Buise @ebuise
Facilitating Insight, Overview & Seeing Through regarding Business Processes & BPM as freelance Coprocessor™ [Business (Process) Consultant / Architect]

ivo velitchkov @kvistgaard
BPM and Enterprise Architecture consultant; trying to understand interactions, complexity and change; occasionally blogging; loves jazz, tennis and sailing.

Oracle BPM @OracleBPM
The Oracle BPM corporate Twitter account that covers Oracle Business Process Management offerings.

Connie Sparks @cmoneylady
I specialize in SBA, commercial lending, and business process management, helping businesses make money and save money where it matters most.

david greenberg @currency4trades
Currency Trader; PhD, Business Process Management; MSA/Tax; Enrolled Agent EA; Registered Tax Return Preparer RTRP; CPA; LIR

Clive @Cluffty
Business Analyst with a passion for Marketing, Social Networking, Data Management, Kaizen, Process Improvement, Mentoring, Motorcycles and Music

Dr. Milton Mattox @MiltonMattox
An author, corporate executive and technologist specializing in Leadership, Management, and Business Process Improvement.

melissaruth @melissaruth
Innovative & visionary professional experienced in business & process analysis, change, technical, & project management, problem solving skills & six sigma.


Appian @Appian
A market leader in modern BPM.

Business Process @BPM_news
Business Process Management News

The BPM Architect @TheBPMArchitect
The BPM Architect provides the latest news on Business Process Management and related technologies. Submit Press Releases at

OpenText BPM @ProcessMatters
Leader in business process, smart process apps, case management and business architecture solutions. #OpenText #BPM

Jacqueline Roberts @JackieMRoberts
Data quality expertise in data integration & data governance enabling the development of business processes supported by data cleansing & management software.

BIconnections @biconnections
Networking | connecting | people | technology | process | Business Intelligence | Information Management | learning discussions | Community

BI Knowledge Base @biknowledgebase
Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Business Process Management, Dashboarding, Performance Management

K2 @K2onK2
Build and run business applications with forms, workflow, data and reports.

Matthias Back @VBM_MBack
Social Media Manager & Editor Online Vogel Business Media (VBM) talking about Social Media, Management and Life Sciences for PROCESS and LABORPRAXIS.

Govind K @mynameisgovind
Managing Consultant @ IBM. Working on Business Process Management, Operational Decision Management, and Enterprise Mobility. Science enthusiast.

HandySoft @HandySoftGlobal
Leader in Dynamic BPM.

Theo Priestley @ITredux
Chief Evangelist and tech industry maverick. Conference speaker, blogger, gamer, tenacious Scotsman. I have an opinion and I'm not afraid to use it. There and back again.

Max J. Pucher @maxjpucher
CTO ISIS Papyrus - entrepreneur, executive, investor, adventurer, author
Vienna, Austria •


RedHat @RedHatFeed
RedHatFeed provides #cloud computing news about the open source software for #linux users. Not affiliated with Red Hat.

Setrag Khoshafian @setrag
Chief Evangelist and VP of BPM Technology at Pega. Senior executive (CTO, Product Management & Development,Marketing) in Software (BPM) for the past 25 years.

theprocessninja @theprocessninja
I can save your organisation millions of dollars and help you retain and attract customers. In days. Yes, days. Sydney, Australia •

Nathaniel Paler @nathanielpalmer
BPM/KM/ACM/SOA/ECM/Cloud/Social/Analytics practitioner & evangelist; published author & passionate speaker; frequent collaborator, proud father, loving spouse
Cohasset, MA •

Bruce Silver @bpmswatch
The BPMN guy - author, trainer, pundit, consultant, trouble-maker. Godfather of bpmNEXT 2013! Also BPMS product technology, independent industry analyst.
Altadena CA •

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