Debashis Sarkar

Managing Partner Proliferator Advisory and Consulting

Debashis Sarkar is a globally recognized expert on customer centricity and operational excellence. Over the last three decades he has been enabling businesses to climb the curve of customer experience and business efficiency. He is counted among the world’s leading thinkers on “lean service” and credited to have introduced lean to service companies in Asia in early 2000s. His thoughts and ideas can be found in his several books and more than 100 papers authored by him. He is currently the Founder and Managing Partner of boutique consulting firm Proliferator Advisory & Consulting and has advised companies in China, India, Middle East, Africa and Europe. He is a Fellow of American Society and Quality and recipient of Phil Crosby Medal in 2014. He is also the recipient of the first Quality Champion - Platinum Award from Quality Council of India in 2019. To know more about him, you can visit the following website:

Day One - 10 September

12:30 PM PANEL: Leading the charge in BPM: PEX Network’s flagship report 2025

Delve into the insights of the highly anticipated PEX Report 2025. This discussion will feature a panel of top-level experts who will analyze the results of the annual global survey, explore success stories, and discuss emerging trends in process excellence. Learn how to set the pace with innovative technologies and methodologies to drive significant transformations in your operations. 

Join us to learn: 

  • The current state and scope of transformation programs. 
  • What technologies and services companies plan to invest in over the next 12 months. 
  • Tips on fostering innovation and securing management buy-in. 
  • Upcoming trends and specifics on how tech will reshape the industry. 
  • The role of operational excellence teams in driving transformative initiatives.