Sodexo’s Laura Karpf reflects on the ups and downs of business transformation and the key role of change management

Riding the roller coaster of business change and transformation

By: Michael Hill

Change and transformation are inevitable facets of business innovation, competitiveness and adaptability. Solid change management is therefore critical in modern organizations – often the difference between transformations that succeed, and those that don’t.

For Laura Karpf, senior manager of change management at Sodexo, business change and transformation are like a roller coaster – full of ups, downs, twists and turns that need to be managed to ensure a smooth ride. Karpf will be speaking at All Access: Change Management for Business Transformation 2024, PEX Network’s free webinar series. She will be joined by fellow Sodexo change management leaders Julie Whitten and Beth Foley to discuss enabling teams to embrace change.

We spoke with Karpf to get a sneak peak of her session and get her take on riding the roller coaster of business change and transformation.

PEX Network: Why is business change and transformation like a rollercoaster?

Laura Karpf: Transformation in business is like a roller coaster for three reasons. It is emotional, involving highs and lows, it requires both courage and commitment and it’s a journey, not a destination. Change can bring excitement, optimism, innovation and growth, but also fear, anxiety, resistance and loss. Some changes can be exhilarating, while others can be terrifying. Change can be challenging and demanding, requiring people to step out of their comfort zones, face uncertainty and embrace new ways of thinking and doing. Change can also be rewarding and fulfilling, providing opportunities to learn, grow and achieve. To succeed in change, people need to have the courage to face their fears and the commitment to follow through and see the positive possibilities. Change is also not a one-time event, but a continuous process that involves multiple stages, phases and cycles. In each change, there are unexpected twists and turns, requiring flexibility and adaptability.

READ: 9 free change management training courses for business leaders

PEX Network: What factors are key to successfully managing business change and transformation?

LK: Some of the key factors are leadership commitment, stakeholder support and managing resistance.

  • Leadership commitment: Leaders can set the tone and direction for change and influence the attitudes and behaviors of their teams. Leaders should model the desired outcomes and behaviors of change, and demonstrate their willingness to support the change.
  • Stakeholder buy in: Stakeholders should be involved in the planning and implementation of change, and their feedback and concerns should be taken into account and addressed. This can increase their engagement, trust, and ownership of change.
  • Identifying and mitigating resistance proactively: Resistance to change can arise from various sources, such as uncertainty, loss of control, or conflicting interests. Identifying this early and being prepared with a plan is essential for eliminating unnecessary fear, angst or anxiety.

PEX Network: What are the biggest challenges in effectively managing change/transformation, and how can leaders overcome them?

LK: The biggest challenge to effectively managing a large transformation is overcoming resistance to change. Your stakeholders may perceive the change as a threat or a major disruption in their ways of working. Their resistance can have negative consequences for the initiative and business outcomes, such as delays, errors, or project failures. Leaders need to understand the causes of resistance and must implement effective solutions to combat it and foster collaboration. By communicating transparently, engaging and empowering your stakeholders, building trust and credibility, providing training and coaching, and celebrating milestones, leaders can manage change successfully and achieve their desired goals.

READ: Change management – the unsung hero of business transformation

PEX Network: How can effective change management enhance business success, productivity and culture?

LK: Effective change management can enhance overall business success, productivity and culture by:

  • Increasing employee engagement and motivation by involving people in the change process, listening to and addressing their concerns and providing them with essential training and support.
  • Improving customer satisfaction and loyalty by ensuring that the change delivers value, meets expectations and solves problems.
  • Reducing costs and risks by avoiding wasted resources and mitigating resistance that can arise from poorly managed change.
  • Fostering a culture of innovation and learning by encouraging feedback, experimentation and continuous improvement.

We know effective change management is not a one-time event but a continuous process that requires leadership, collaboration and adaptation. By applying best practices, we can achieve business goals, overcome challenges and thrive in a dynamic environment.

Register for All Access: Change Management for Business Transformation 2024