Enhancing Organizational Agility through Transformation, 
Automation, Process Intelligence and Culture Change 

06 - 07 December, 2022 | Free PEX Network Online Event

Day Two

9:00 am - 9:45 am EST Reasons why operational excellence deployment fails in an organization and how to avoid them

Carolyn Lum - Vice President, Operational Excellence, Philip Morris International

In many organisations leadership teams do not understand their role in an Operational Excellence Journey. Is Operational Excellence really about changing the company culture? In this webinar, join Carolyn Lum, VP Operational Excellence at Philip Morris International to share her thoughts and perspective. Some of the key points to be discussed:

  • OpEx is a collection of tools? Or do leaders need to behave differently?
  • OpEx journey not supported by enough nor right type of OpEx Partners
  • OpEx is considered as a finite movement that has an end


Carolyn Lum

Vice President, Operational Excellence
Philip Morris International

10:00 am - 10:45 am EST The Power of Modern Machine Learning to Analyze Customer Satisfaction

Mikhail Golovnya - Senior Advisory Data Scientist, Minitab

In this webinar, we will go over several examples of how modern machine-learning algorithms can enhance our understanding of customer satisfaction. From airline travellers to online shoppers, evaluating their consumer preferences and satisfaction scores has never been easier now that we have the right tools and approach. Vital new pieces of information can be discovered in a matter of seconds with only a few keystrokes. This, in turn, allows us to implement business decisions aimed at operational excellence and commercial success.


Mikhail Golovnya

Senior Advisory Data Scientist

11:00 am - 11:45 am EST How Danske Bank ensures its operational excellence with the help of IA and citizen developers model

Gyte Gedvilaite-Hansen - Deputy Head, Intelligent Automation, Danske Bank

Implementing IA has a variety of benefits for organisations, with the main being cost and time reduction where manual and repetitive tasks can be automated and employees can focus on process improvements and meaningful decision-making. Hear from Danske Bank on how they are implementing automation in the whole bank, using citizen developer model and tools such as low code/no code. Gyte Gedvilaite-Hansen will share some insights on:

  • How to ensure employees working with automation have the necessary tools, infrastructure and training
  • How to bring different teams together to work at a consistent standard and use information and knowledge to expand the completeness and accuracy of data and operations
  • Potential challenges when establishing citizen development and how to mitigate them

Gyte Gedvilaite-Hansen

Deputy Head, Intelligent Automation
Danske Bank