Getting buy-in from the C-suite is a critical challenge that transformation leaders face in initiating change. It's even more daunting in the current environment where the benefits of some projects may not be immediately tangible, and budgets are being held with more caution. This panel brings together experts to share their insights and experiences and discuss real-world examples to help answer the following questions:
As technology continues to rapidly advance, organizations are faced with the challenge of choosing which investments will best benefit their operations. Without a clear strategy, investing in more technology can lead to further inefficiencies, especially if they all work independently and lack synergy. This panel will discuss the importance of a clear investment strategy, exploring case uses and ways to integrate existing technologies. The panelists will delve into this topic through the following discussion points:
Successful transformation requires more than just jumping in and adopting new technology or investments. The foundation for success lies in pre-transformation planning, strategy, and governance. Rushing into a project can cause more harm than good, making pre-planning crucial to ensuring the success and sustainability of a transformation. In this panel, experts will explore how effective pre-planning can facilitate successful transformation and discuss strategies for achieving this. The panel will focus on the following topics…
Interactive RoundTable Discussion Groups
Effective resource allocation is crucial to the success of transformation projects, but managing employee time between their regular duties and new tasks can be a complex and delicate balancing act. Our keynote speaker will share their insights on how to optimize employee engagement and involvement in transformation projects while ensuring that core business functions are not compromised. This presentation will aim to address the following: