Transformation can only happen if everyone is on board with the change, and a culture of continuous improvement and learning is instilled across the business. This can be a complex challenge as people respond to change differently, so it is pivotal to know the different approaches to ensure transformations have the desired outcomes. This will be discussed through the following topics:
Mergers and acquisitions are commonplace for large enterprises and require balancing many aspects of transformation. Managing the operating systems and cultures of two or more organizations which previously operated independently presents a challenge which needs to be approached with proper planning. Our panellists have first hand experience of the trials and tribulations of this and will discuss these through the following discussion points:
Interactive RoundTable Discussion Groups
In today's complex business landscape, silos can be a double-edged sword - while they may generate efficiencies within their respective domains, they can also hinder cross-functional collaboration and impede successful transformation initiatives. As such, it is essential to explore ways to bridge the gap and enable effective collaboration across silos to drive organizational efficiency. Join our panellists as they share their insights and advice, delving into the following discussion points:
Attracting and retaining top talent while building a diverse workforce is a critical challenge for businesses. A diverse and inclusive work environment not only attracts the best and brightest, but also leads to better business outcomes. Our keynote speaker has extensive experience in unlocking the potential of the workforce and will share insights on the following discussion points: