Adam Smith, PhD

Instructor Harvard University

Adam has extensive experience in the research and applied consulting practice of leadership assessment and development, executive coaching, talent management, and talent analytics. He serves as an Instructor at the Harvard University Extension School in Cambridge, MA teaching graduate courses in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology and Applied Statistics to over 400 graduate students annually. He has also held adjunct faculty positions at Auburn University and Wentworth Institute of Technology. Over the past decade, Adam has served as a frequent presenter at global conferences speaking on the topics of global organizational leadership, organizational culture, leadership assessment methods & technology, and change management. He has also been invited to speak at numerous organizations delivering keynote addresses on various aspects of organizational leadership and I/O Psychology research and applications.

Monday, Jan 27: Pre-Conference Workshops, Industry Focus Groups & Main Conference Day One


  • Understand resistance at a deeper level: why do we not like change?
  • Why do individuals not always think rationally during change?
  • Creating an environment to ensure adaptability and learning for employees
  • How to incorporate proactive people change management into transformation initiatives
  • The importance of gaining buy-in, building momentum, and sustaining employee engagement during change processes

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Adam.

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