Rajdeep Sadhukhan

Executive Director, Operational Excellence Standard Chartered Bank

Agenda Day 1: October 12

12:30 PM Making continuous improvement a corporate habit

A large part of any business is its people, and to drive a successful operational excellence strategy your people are where it starts. As with most things, change is constant, and adapting to current environments is nothing new for Standard Chartered, a financial services organisation of over 100 years. But a legacy company that’s used to traditional work practices paired with this unprecedented landscape, the question is how does a company effectively scale behavioural change across 80,000 employees in 60 countries, across multiple business lines? Join Rajdeep, as he takes us through what it means to build an improvement habit, and the lessons he’s learned from implementation. 

This session will address: 

  • Lessons learned from making Continuous improvement part of corporate culture
  • Identifying the key ingredients for success, from leadership role modelling to managers as coaches
  • Evidence of 100M: Measuring the ROI of continuous improvement efforts and benefits

Watch your on-demand session here