Harley Davis is responsible for a team of specialists in Artificial Intelligence, intelligent automation, mathematical optimization, and intelligent software development tools at IBM’s Research and Development Lab in France. Harley has spent more than 25 years building and bringing to market software products around business agility and decision support between Paris, FR and Silicon Valley, CA. He has helped numerous French, European, and American companies implement intelligent software systems. Harley’s passion remains the ethical and socially responsible use of artificial intelligence technologies to help businesses and individuals.
Businesses like Credem Bank are seeking ways to manage their digital transformation based on real data, and while all organisational processes are different; inefficiencies, manual processing errors, and other bottlenecks can create operational challenges. In this session, discover how a hyper-automation journey can eliminate and improve these issues across the enterprise based on real insights, and offer 85% in cost savings, 30% process lead time reduction, and 20% overall cost reduction. Key learnings from this webinar include: