Bill Jobes

CEO Jobes Technology

Bill Jobes is the CEO and Founder of Jobes Technology Solutions, a consultancy focused on enterprise transformation and business automation. Before devoting all his time and resources into building Jobes Tech, Mr. Jobes served in many roles from CTO, CIO, Program Manager and Software Developer.  His expertise spans many industries, including Banking, Insurance, Health Care, and Government. 

Tuesday 4th August, 2020 – Conference Day 1

9:00 AM Panel Discussion – The Business Case for Process Intelligence: Unlocking the Potential for Exponential Growth

·        The benefits for continuously improving processes, getting end-to-end operations visibility, better visualizing the customer journey, and reducing manual labour and cost

·        Support strategic decision making and aligning OPEX with organizational goals

·        Deliver value to stakeholders, customers and the workforce with greater intelligence 

10:00 AM Case Study – Process Intelligence 0-60: Getting up to Speed for the New World Workforce

·        How business is reacting to a prolonged pandemic

·        Delivering end-to-end process intelligence in time for tomorrow’s change

·        Leveraging Machine Learning to analyze process improvement before you implement

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Bill.

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