How do you change culture to shape results? Can you impose change - or do you need to win hearts and minds? And what is the most important question you can ask someone who disagrees with you?
Katie McConochie of Inmarsat talks to Seth Adler in this podcast about how being in an orchestra has shaped her approach to problem solving, learning to change through inspiring leaders and taking her people on a journey.
Lots of people say, "Well, how are you going to measure success?" And in the end, it is a bit of a cliché, but it is about the business results. But, there are some key concepts, of which many are relevant in the world of process excellence: problem solving, teamwork, collaboration and seeing across the white space in organizational boundaries. When people talk about end-to-end process- it all sounds great - but lots of things drop down the cracks along the way. There are various exercises that encourage people to think beyond their own specific tasks or activities - to the wider team, to the wider organization. So, again it all fits very nicely with concept of flow and problem solving.