

Linking Business Process Excellence to the Better Delivery of Service Level Agreements in the MENA Region

Genna Weiss | 08/26/2010

With a history that goes back about 10 years, service level agreements are nothing new to the MENA region. However, they have not been common business practice. It’s been only over the last two or three years that businesses within this region have begun to more seriously consider their adoption.

In this Profit through Process podcast, Genna Weiss of Six Sigma & Process Excellence IQ speaks with Alaa Garad, CEO of International Performance Excellence (IPE). Garad discusses the current challenges of delivering these service level agreements within the MENA region — which include lack of top management involvement and a business culture that does not focus on measurement — and shows how Business Process Excellence can help mitigate them.

You will also hear case study examples, as well as hear what Garad considers to be the top takeaways from his experience in improving the delivery of service level agreements using Business Process Excellence.

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