

Podcast: Laura Evans, Naked Wines

PEX Network News | 08/22/2018

Seth Adler talks to Laura Rosenberger (née Evans), COO of Naked Wines about her background in physics, finance and continuous improvement - but not about her upcoming wedding. Congratualtions from us at the PEX Network, no prizes for guessing where the champagne came from...



At Naked, the kind of approach that we have towards the wine industry is the kind of approach that we have how we started the business and what roles are as well. It didn't mean that I had to have that kind of background, I just came into the business and improved anything that needed to be improved.

One of the first projects I started working on is the experience that a new customer would have when they come to the website. So how can we improve the proportion of traffic that is coming to the site, improve the proportion that then become loyal customers.



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