

PEX Network predicts a 30% jump in Process Mining uptake

Ian Hawkins | 12/17/2018

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not, ‘Eureka! I’ve found it,’ but, ‘That’s funny!’
- Isaac Asimov


Last week, as we were discussing plans for the editorial calendar in 2019, one of my collegues mentioned that we were putting together a webinar on Process Mining. 

What is Process Mining? Learn more here. 

We decided to put out a quick questionaire to test the waters for how much enthusiasm for this there might be - and the results are fascinating. 

Our first question was to find out who  might actually find our Process Mining webinar relevant. 

So - not a huge number, but there is a solid minority of our members who should find it useful. The next question, about the future of Process Mining, retuerned a genuinely unexpected result: 

(Figures based on 88 respondents over 3 days. Respondents self-selected from the PEX Newsletter.)

That's a jump of over 30% uptake - and if these figures indicate the business commiunity as a whole, that's a serious increase. 


Register now for our Process Mining vs Process Mapping webinar series in March


How's this going to change what happens in 2019? Well, for you, that will depend on whether you're already process mining or have a programme starting up in the near future. If you're one of the organizations that's being left behind, ask yourself if this is something that will affect how competitive you are as a business. 

If you're a vendor in the Process Mining space, get in touch if you want to communicate directly with the people who are making this change now, or planning to do so in the very near future. 

For us, it means looking again at what we are doing as a portal for the Process Excellence community, and how we can better represent the shifts in the real world. 

You can join us as a member of PEX Network here, where you'll get free access to exclusive content including white papers, webinars and early warning of upcoming events. You'll also have the opporutnity to take part in surveys like this one, and shape the future of the industry.  

We hope you'll join us at our free Process Mining webinar in March to find out more from the very best in the business. Register here. 

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