Applying Lean Principles to Design & Project Planning - A Construction Industry Case Study
When projects go wrong in the construction industry they can result in significant overruns in terms of cost, time, and decreases in customer satisfaction and quality. Heembouw, a 70-year old Dutch construction company, has used a Lean approach in its construction projects since 2004 to help mitigate these risks, with great results.
In this Webinar you will:
- Hear how Heembouw integrates Lean principles into the design and planning phases of a project to root out future problems, improve quality, and reduce waste
- Identify methods to overcome the causes of project failure - how and where do things go wrong?
- Understand the importance of involving all relevant stakeholders in planning meetings to anticipate and overcome problems up front and hear specific strategies for keeping your teams on track
- Learn to standardize communication so that it becomes part of daily practice and how to manage a "War Room" to produce results