Street Smarts for Change Management Posts

Who resists change the most?
Published: 2013-06-11
Do you intend to retire some day from the exact job you are in at this moment?  If not, then change is definitely on your horizon. Change is something we all must live with as part of our daily work lives.  It’s coming – it’s just a matter of when and where and if it’s good or disruptive change
Ever hear complaints from people that "their plate is full" or "there’s too much going on"? How can you possibly hope to roll out any form of process change in such conditions and hope to succeed? This month, columnist Jeff Cole sha...
What do magicians have to do with process improvement and change? This month, columnist Jeff Cole pulls back the curtain...
Used in root-cause analysis, the cause-and-effect diagram is often aimed at technical issues. But apply it to change management and you can find out a host of reasons as to why people haven't adopted a process cha...
Have you ever been frustrated when trying to change a relatively mundane organizational behavior or improve a simple process? At some point have you stepped back and said "it should be easier than this" ? You’re right - it should! Many...
Ever get the feeling you were being watched? It’s not just a feeling, says columnist Jeff Cole, as he looks at the increasing influence of big data and the number crunchers. Here’s a bold statement: Every...
Don't look at the dogs - work the lock! Once you have the motivation, blue...
As we get older, many of us begin to suffer from more and more ailments – minor to major. There is one ailment, however, that hum...
A famous comedian (I forget who) once had a bit in his act where he talked about searching for a lost item. "It’s always the last place you look. Of course it is. Who finds something and then keeps looking for it?" This month we inve...
"Ugly American" was a phrase coined decades ago describing arrogant behavior of Americans abroad. A recent trip to Europe confirmed for me that Ugly Americans are still out there. Watch some Americans visit Europe for the first time. They se...
How Real is Your Reality?
Published: 2012-07-10
Do you want to make real and significant improvements? It might be time to challenge the assumptions and rules of reality, says columnist Jeff Cole. Do you play by the rules or do you make them? In a recent speech, G...
Change agents spend a great deal of time helping to escort others in an organization through complex changes. But who helps the change agents when they’re on the receiving end of a change? This month, columnist Jeff Cole pulls back t...
Instead of fighting crime, some of us fight broken processes, waste, inefficiencies, and morale issues. Here Jeff Cole details the tools every change agent should have at their disposal. A highlight of my misspent youth was the...
Famous quality guru W. Edwards Deming had a great quote that went something like this: "You don’t need to change – your survival is not mandatory." Futurist Joel Barker notes that "When paradigms shift, everyone goes back to zero...
The eyes don't lie, writes Jeff Cole in this month's column. Watch carefully where your executive team is focused, and you'll discover some tricks on how to make change management happen yourself. What do magicians do that the...
Avoid the corporate black hole
Published: 2012-02-07
Analogous to a black hole in astronomy, a black hole in change-lingo is where management communications and rhetoric go in and nothing is ever seen again, writes columnist Jeff Cole. Success in leading organizational change m...
Managing any project involves risk, but projects requiring human behavioral change involve large amounts of risk. This month, columnist Jeff Cole focuses on four key risk areas and how to better your odds for success. Pretend...
Customers are great. In fact, it’s kind of hard to stay in business without them. You have to love them, but at the same time they can be quite annoying. Have you ever noticed how their requirements change over time? Just when you thin...
What do Monty Python and guided missiles have to do with business performance improvement? asks columnist Jeff Cole. More than you might think. Do you know John Cleese, the tall guy in the British comedy troupe? Did you know...
Ever feel like the tail that’s being wagged by the dog? Technology is one big dog and if you don’t hold on you’ll get flung off hard and fast. On a daily basis, technology upgrades storm through the corporate landscape se...
Discover change management tips to ensure your projects succeed.
Have you reacted to changes you’ve encountered in life or have you responded to them? Do you drive change on a daily basis or are you driven by change? Who is in charge of all this change anyway? This month, columnist Jeff Cole expl...
Culture Eats Process for Lunch
Published: 2011-07-13
Culture devours massive amounts of well-intended process change throughout corporate America leaving unaware teams scratching their heads as they stare in amazement at the smoking wreckage of what was anticipated to be a simple process impro...
Those of us following operational excellence methods find ourselves driving process change on a routine basis. Sometimes it is good to step back and consider how this impacts those on the front line. This month, columnist Jeff Cole shares...
There is no shortage of broken processes in organizations crying out to be improved, says columnist Jeff Cole. But when it comes to changing them there are two types of errors leaders make. Here’s how to avoid them. Why d...