Disrupted or Disruptor?
February 06 by PEX Network EditorialPEX Network and iGrafx announced that they completed an extensive primary research project designed to answer the question: “Disrupted or Disruptor – Which Side Are You On?” More than 150 business le...
PEX Network predicts a 30% jump in Process Mining uptake
December 17 by Ian HawkinsProcess Mining is set to become the hot trend for 2019 according to research carried out by PEX Network.
SPECIAL REPORT: The pursuit of process excellence in Asia Pacific
April 23 by Process Excellence Network EditorWith insights from 105 process excellence experts across more than 19 industries Processes are the core of almost every business function – whether it’s developing sales & marketin...
How Process Matters to Today's Customers
June 25 by Process Excellence Network EditorToday’s consumers are impatient and vocal. They’re tired of encountering overworked and understaffed customer service functions and falling victim to avoidable errors and delays.