Have your say: Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector

As a manufacturing company, share your thoughts on shop floor digitalization, data collection and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on business continuity

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PEX Network has collaborated with real-time manufacturing analytics and MES software company Matics to understand the level of readiness of manufacturing companies for Industry 4.0.

Share your thoughts by taking part in the Are you ready for Industry 4.0? survey and tell PEX Network about the state of data collection and analytics in your organization.

Evaluate how data is collected and for what purposes, how production performance assessment is conducted and how business continuity is ensured during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The results of this survey will be featured in a report created in collaboration with Matics that will be released later this year.

Have your say by taking part in the survey here and enter our draw for a £200 ($250) Amazon voucher, or simply fill it in below:

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