Using Metrics To Drive Business Process Management (BPM) Excellence

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Businesses require new metrics that focus on customer experience and business agility

Process performance metrics give insight into how well a business process delivers against a range of metrics. Research recent conducted by Forrester Research - in conjunction with PEX Network - found inadequacies with current BPM metrics employed by many organization. Instead, better metrics for measuring the customer experience and business agility need to be developed and implemented to help organizations better prepare for the future.

The research was based on a survey with over 700 process professionals asked questions about the range of metrics that they are using to measure quality, productivity, customer experience, and business agility (i.e. the speed at which a company can launch new products and services to respond to changes in the market).

In this slide deck, Forrester summarizes the key findings of the survey.

Download this slide deck to:

  • See key survey findings and data sets on what BPM metrics companies are using
  • Understand the limitations of current BPM metrics
  • Identify why more robust metrics around customer experience and agility are critical to build for the future
