How Level Up Leadership can fuel innovation

Why the Level Up Leadership model helps improve employee engagement and satisfaction

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level up leadership

If you want to conduct an executive leadership training initiative, you will have to have a good understanding of how your organization is structured and what its needs are. Then, you can train everyone from top management to supervisors, by addressing them all as a group. The focus is to get everyone on the same page by training them the same way.

You may ask why and the rationale is simple. Leadership is a competency that all levels of the organization need to have. The only thing which changes is the discussions during the training sessions that fit the training to the needs of all followers, examples of which are below:

  • Professional communication and authentic leadership work best when the followers require constant education and communication.
  • Decision-making helps followers feel comfortable being a part of the organization, taking responsibility and feeling empowered.
  • Motivating people is effective in situations where the followers are lacking the drive to be the best that they can be and lack enthusiasm. Positive results do appear, however, in those already motivated.
  • Managing people is useful with followers that may lack confidence, but with the right combination of organization and planning, leaders can instill a sense of control.
  • Core leadership principles are effective in situations where the followers need a prescriptive method of leadership, but remain flexible to adhere to the necessary changes as they occur.
  • Leading change is useful with a group which is facing rapid change and must remain competitive, or find themselves becoming obsolete and lack drive and initiative to innovate and create.

Level Up Leadership assumes that leaders are inspiring their followers who are in turn responsive and engaged. The model proposes two contingency variables such as top management and training across each department. They moderate the leadership-training platform to be consistent, applicable and enduring.

Top managers must be the first people exposed to the model. They determine the type of leadership training required so that the organization as a whole not only improves leadership prowess but also prepares followers to be fully engaged.


Follower departments and positions feed into the overall certification process. Personal job responsibility is enhanced as followers become part of an overall initiative to improve leadership across the organization.

Effective top-level leaders clarify the need for training and development to help all followers to be engaged to leadership traits and implement them on a daily basis.

Executive leadership certification has demonstrated that employee performance and satisfaction are positively influenced when the top leaders, along with the followers, complete the training together. Promotions, acknowledgement, recognition and engagement are documented outcomes of the successful application of the Level Up Leadership model.


It is useful because it reminds leaders that their central purpose is to help followers determine a path of success and reach their goals and objectives. Most importantly, leaders help followers do this in an engaging and effective manner.

Do you practice Level Up leadership in your organization? Let us know by leaving a comment below. 


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