KJ Kusch

Global Field CTO WalkMe

KJ Kusch is the Global Field Chief Technology Officer and has responsibility for strategic customer advocacy and partnership. Her team works closely with customers and industry trends to blueprint new pathways for strategy, value and architecture, in alignment with WalkMe’s corporate strategy and product priorities. KJ is a seasoned expert with more than 20 years of leading change in corporate eco-systems and business processes, knows how to apply technology to achieve a business outcomes, and how to relate the technology strategies to the line of business needs. She recently held a similar leadership role at ServiceNow. Before that, she served as a leader or chief executive in manufacturing, banking, energy and technology companies. KJ holds a BA and MBA from California State University. She serves on the board for multiple charities, OSS Global Forum, Engineering consortiums and leads Women in Technology groups and activities.

Day One

10:00 AM How Cisco simplifies change management and drives impact with DAP

In this session, join us as we discuss how to analyze, automate and optimize experiences and eliminate digital friction using an effective digital adoption platform.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn how to deliver instant, personalized, automated experiences at the point of friction
  • Find out how to manage change effectively and obtain full visibility into the software running across your organization
  • Discover how to create people-first, frictionless experiences across any workflow to improve software adoption, save money, reduce risk, boost productivity and make employees happier