Beyond RPA: Your catalyst for business transformation

Learn how several organizations are driving business transformation through RPA implementation

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Now more than ever, the workplace is a hot spot of change. Enterprises are investing in solutions to accelerate their path to value and make real business impacts through a combined human and intelligent digital workforce.

Helping businesses prepare for the future, today, Blue Prism Cloud (BPC) is an SaaS-based intelligent automation platform providing a pool of AI-enabled digital workers straight from the cloud with embedded cognitive skills.

With deep experience and expertise across major industry verticals around the world, join Bits In Glass and Blue Prism for an in-depth look at how the Blue Prism Cloud Digital Workforce® is leading the way for the business needs of today and tomorrow. Learn how Blue Prism Cloud sets itself apart from other RPA platforms, and how it can take your digital transformation journey to the next level!


Albert Nguyen, associate director of professional services, Bits In Glass

Ben Case, director of solutions, Blue Prism Cloud

Lori Moss, practice director, Blue Prism Cloud